

DSP-Board DSPE-256

16 channel digital audio signal processing for varied applications

DSPECIALISTS audio system DSPE-256 is a compact DSP module based on Analog Devices ADSP21369. It allows processing of up to 16 digital input and 16 digital output channels as TDM or I²S. Due to its on-board flash memory DSPE-256 is capable of running as a stand-alone system. It can be easily embedded into any customer-specific environment.

DSPE-256 is able to work with 3 different clock sources, which makes it the perfect embedded component for professional audio devices. DSPE-256 covers a wide range of embedded multi-channel signal processing tasks like audio matrix, filtering, signal analysis, correlation, feature extraction and measurement. The board is accompanied with hardware drivers and a software framework. For audio applications there is a wide range of approved standard library functions and a graphical user interface (GUI) available.